Source code for metator.align

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8

"""Alignement of reads

Align read files onto the assembly and return a tsv file with 9 columns: ReadID,
ContigA, Position_startA, Position_endA, StrandA, ContigB, Position_startB,
Position_endB, StrandB. Reads are mapped separately, sorted by names, then
interleaved (rather than mapped in paired-end mode) to capture the pairs mapping
on two different contigs.

This module contains all these alignment functions:
    - align
    - get_contact_pairs
    - merge_alignement
    - process_bamfile
    - process_bwa_bamfile

import csv
import pysam
import shutil as st
import subprocess as sp
import hicstuff.cutsite as hcc
import as hio
import hicstuff.iteralign as hci
import as mtn
from metator.log import logger
from os.path import join
from looseversion import LooseVersion

[docs]def align( fq_in, index, aligner, bam_out, n_cpu, tmp_dir, iterative=False, fq_in_2=None, ): """Alignment Aligns reads of fq_in with bowtie2. Parameters of bowtie2 are set as --very-sensitive-local and only the aligned reads are kept in the bam file. Multiple files could be given, but only one file will be written as output. Parameters: ----------- fq_in : str Path to input fastq file to align. index : str Path to the bowtie2 index genome. aligner : str Name of the aligner algorithm to use. Either bowtie2 or bwa. bam_out : str Path where the alignment should be written in BAM format. n_cpu : int The number of CPUs to use for the alignment. tmp_dir: Path to directory to store temporary files. iterative: Wether to use the iterative mapping procedure (truncating reads and extending iteratively) fq_in_2 : str Path to the reverse fastq file for bwa (map both reads at the same time but do not take into account their poistion as pairs.) Returns: -------- int : 0 """ if iterative: iter_tmp_dir = hio.generate_temp_dir(tmp_dir) tmp_bam = join(tmp_dir, "tmp.bam") hci.iterative_align( fq_in, tmp_dir=iter_tmp_dir, ref=index, n_cpu=n_cpu, bam_out=tmp_bam, min_qual=40, aligner=aligner, read_len=20, ) st.rmtree(iter_tmp_dir) "samtools sort -n -@ {n_cpu} -o {bam} {tmp}".format( n_cpu=n_cpu, tmp=tmp_bam, bam=bam_out ), shell=True, ) else: # Align the reads on the reference genome with the chosen aligner. map_args = { "cpus": n_cpu, "fq": fq_in, "idx": index, "bam": bam_out, "fq_rev": fq_in_2, } if aligner == "bwa": cmd = "bwa mem -5SP -t {cpus} {idx} {fq} {fq_rev}".format( **map_args ) elif aligner == "bowtie2": cmd = ( "bowtie2 -x {idx} -p {cpus} --very-sensitive-local {fq} --no-unal" ).format(**map_args) # Write the outputfile in a temporary bam file. map_process = sp.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE) sort_process = sp.Popen( "samtools sort -n -@ {cpus} -o {bam}".format(**map_args), shell=True, stdin=map_process.stdout, ) _out, _err = sort_process.communicate() mapping_values = for line in mapping_values.split(b"\n"):"{line.decode('utf-8')}") return 0
[docs]def get_contact_pairs( for_in, rev_in, index, assembly, aligner, aligner_mode, min_qual, start, depth_file, enzyme, out_dir, tmp_dir, n_cpu, ): """General function to do the whole alignment of both fastq. The Function write at the output directory location given as an argument and return a tsv file of the aligned reads with 9 columns: ReadID, ContigA, Position_startA, Position_endA, StrandA, ContigB, Position_startB, Position_endB, StrandB. The name of the file will be alignment.txt. Two start stages are possible, from fastq or bam files. Parameters ---------- for_in : str Path to input forward fastq or bam file to align. If multiple files are given, list of path separated by a comma. rev_in : str Path to input reverse fastq or bam file to align. If multiple files are given, list of path separated by a comma. index : str Path to the bowtie2 index of the assembly. assembly : str The initial assembly path acting as the alignment file's reference assembly. aligner : str Either 'bowtie2' or 'bwa' aligner used or to be use to map the reads. aligner_mode : str Either 'normal', 'iterative' or 'cutsiste'. Mode to align the HiC reads. min_qual : int Minimum mapping quality required to keep Hi-C pairs. start : str Either fastq or bam. Starting point for the pipeline. depth_file : str or None Path to the depth.txt file from jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths from Metabat2 Software. enzyme : str or None String that contains the names of the enzyme separated by a comma. out_dir : str Path to directory where to write the output file. tmp_dir : str Path where temporary files should be written. n_cpu : int The number of CPUs to use for the alignment. Returns ------- list of str: List of path of the Files with the table containing the alignement data of the pairs: ReadID, ContigA, Position_startA, Position_endA, StrandA, ContigB, Position_startB, Position_endB, StrandB. dict: Dictionnary of the all the contigs from the assembly, the contigs names are the keys to the data of the contig available with the following keys: "id", "length", "GC", "hit", "coverage". Coverage still at 0 and need to be updated later. dict: Dictionnary for hit information on each contigs. """ # Iterates on all the input files: for_list = for_in.split(",") rev_list = rev_in.split(",") out_file_list = [] total_aligned_pairs = 0 # Create the contig data dictionnary and hit from each alignments nb_alignment = len(for_list) contig_data, hit_data = mtn.create_contig_data( assembly, nb_alignment, depth_file, enzyme ) for i in range(len(for_list)): for_in = for_list[i] try: rev_in = rev_list[i] except IndexError: rev_in = None name = "alignment_" + str(i) out_file = join(out_dir, "alignment_" + str(i) + ".pairs") out_file_list.append(out_file) # Align if necessary if start == "fastq": iterative = False # Digest reads if necessary. if aligner_mode == "cutsite": digest_for = join(tmp_dir, f"digest_for_{i}.fq.gz") digest_rev = join(tmp_dir, f"digest_rev_{i}.fq.gz") hcc.cut_ligation_sites( fq_for=for_in, fq_rev=rev_in, digest_for=digest_for, digest_rev=digest_rev, enzyme=enzyme, mode="for_vs_rev", seed_size=20, n_cpu=int(n_cpu), ) for_in, rev_in = digest_for, digest_rev elif aligner_mode == "iterative": iterative = True if iterative or (aligner == "bowtie2"): # Create files to save the alignment. alignment_for = join(out_dir, name + "_for.bam") alignment_rev = join(out_dir, name + "_rev.bam") # Align the forward reads"Alignment of {for_in}:") align(for_in, index, aligner, alignment_for, n_cpu, iterative) # Align the reverse reads"Alignment of {rev_in}:") align( rev_in, index, aligner, alignment_rev, n_cpu, tmp_dir, iterative, ) elif aligner == "bwa": # Create file to save the alignement. alignment = join(out_dir, name + ".bam")"Alignment of {for_in} and {rev_in}:") align( for_in, index, aligner, alignment, n_cpu, tmp_dir, fq_in_2=rev_in, ) elif start == "bam": if aligner == "bowtie2":"Processing {for_in} and {rev_in}:") alignment_for = for_in alignment_rev = rev_in elif aligner == "bwa": alignment = for_in else: logger.error("Start argument should be either 'fastq' or 'bam'.") raise ValueError if aligner == "bowtie2": # Create files to save the alignment. alignment_temp_for = join(tmp_dir, name + "_for_temp.txt") alignment_temp_rev = join(tmp_dir, name + "_rev_temp.txt") # Filters the aligned and non aligned reads from the forward and # reverse bam files. aligned_reads_for = process_bamfile( alignment_for, min_qual, alignment_temp_for ) aligned_reads_rev = process_bamfile( alignment_rev, min_qual, alignment_temp_rev ) f"{aligned_reads_for} forward reads aligned and {aligned_reads_rev} reverse reads aligned." ) # Merge alignement to create a pairs file"Merging the pairs:") n_pairs = merge_alignment( alignment_temp_for, alignment_temp_rev, contig_data, out_file )"{n_pairs} pairs aligned.\n") total_aligned_pairs += n_pairs # Case where a bam file from bwa is given as input. if aligner == "bwa": n_pairs = process_bwa_bamfile( alignment, min_qual, contig_data, out_file )"{n_pairs} pairs aligned.\n") total_aligned_pairs += n_pairs if len(out_file_list) > 1:"TOTAL PAIRS MAPPED: {total_aligned_pairs}\n") return out_file_list, contig_data, hit_data
[docs]def merge_alignment(forward_aligned, reverse_aligned, contig_data, out_file): """Merge forward and reverse alignment into one file with only pairs which have both reads are aligned on the genome with 9 columns: ReadID, ContigA, Position_startA, Position_endA, StrandA, ContigB, Position_startB, Position_endB, StrandB. Parameters ---------- forward_alignement : str File with the table containing the data of the forward reads kept after the alignment. With five columns: ReadID, Contig, Position_start, Position_end, strand. reverse_alignement : str File with the table containing the data of the forward reads kept after the alignment. With five columns: ReadID, Contig, Position_start, Position_end, strand. contig_data : dict Dictionnary of the all the contigs from the assembly, the contigs names are the keys to the data of the contig available with the following keys: "id", "length", "GC", "hit", "coverage". Coverage still at 0 and need to be updated later. out_file : str Path to write the output pairs file. Returns ------- str: File with the table containing the alignement data of the pairs: ReadID, ContigA, Position_startA, Position_endA, StrandA, ContigB, Position_startB, Position_endB, StrandB """ # Open files for reading and writing. with open(forward_aligned, "r") as for_file, open( reverse_aligned, "r" ) as rev_file, open(out_file, "w") as merged: for_bam = csv.reader(for_file, delimiter="\t") rev_bam = csv.reader(rev_file, delimiter="\t") # Initialization. n_pairs = 0 for_read = next(for_bam) rev_read = next(rev_bam) # Write header of the pairs file. merged.write("## pairs format v1.0\n") merged.write("#columns: readID chr1 pos1 chr2 pos2 strand1 strand2\n") merged.write("#sorted: readID\n") merged.write("#shape: upper triangle\n") for contig in contig_data: merged.write( "#chromsize: {0} {1}\n".format( contig, contig_data[contig]["length"] ) ) # Loop while at least one end of one end is reached. It's possible to # advance like that as the two tsv files are sorted on the id of the # reads. while n_pairs >= 0: # Case of both reads of the pair map. if for_read[0] == rev_read[0]: # Write read ID merged.write(for_read[0] + "\t") # Pairs are 1-based so we have to add 1 to 0 based bam position for_position = ( for_read[1] + "\t" + str(int(for_read[2]) + 1) + "\t" ) rev_position = ( rev_read[1] + "\t" + str(int(rev_read[2]) + 1) + "\t" ) # Have upper triangle shape if ( for_read[1] == rev_read[1] and int(for_read[2]) <= int(rev_read[2]) ) or contig_data[for_read[1]]["id"] < contig_data[rev_read[1]][ "id" ]: merged.write( for_position + rev_position + for_read[3] + "\t" + rev_read[3] + "\n" ) else: merged.write( rev_position + for_position + rev_read[3] + "\t" + for_read[3] + "\n" ) n_pairs += 1 try: for_read = next(for_bam) except StopIteration: break try: rev_read = next(rev_bam) except StopIteration: break # As the file is version sorted we have to do compare the two names # according to the version order. else: names = [for_read[0], rev_read[0]] names_sorted = sorted(names, key=LooseVersion) # Case of the forward read mapped but not the reverse. Indeed, # no line would have been added previously if the read didn't # map. if names == names_sorted: try: for_read = next(for_bam) except StopIteration: break # Same but with no mapped forward reads. else: try: rev_read = next(rev_bam) except StopIteration: break return n_pairs
[docs]def process_bamfile(alignment, min_qual, filtered_out): """Filter alignment BAM files Reads all the reads in the input BAM alignment file. Keep reads in the output if they are aligned with a good quality (greater than min quality threshold given) saving their only some columns: ReadID, Contig, Position_start, Position_end, strand to save memory. Parameters ---------- alignment : str Path to the input temporary alignment. min_qual : int Minimum mapping quality required to keep a Hi-C pair. filtered_out : str Path to the output temporary tsv alignement. Returns ------- int: Number of reads aligned. """ # Check the quality and status of each aligned fragment. aligned_reads = 0 save = pysam.set_verbosity(0) temp_bam = pysam.AlignmentFile(alignment, "rb", check_sq=False) pysam.set_verbosity(save) with open(filtered_out, "w") as f: for r in temp_bam: # Check mapping quality if r.mapping_quality >= min_qual: # Check Mapping (0 or 16 flags are kept only) if r.flag == 0: aligned_reads += 1 read = str( r.query_name + "\t" + r.reference_name + "\t" + str(r.reference_start) + "\t" + "+" + "\n" ) f.write(read) elif r.flag == 16: aligned_reads += 1 read = str( r.query_name + "\t" + r.reference_name + "\t" + str(r.reference_start) + "\t" + "-" + "\n" ) f.write(read) temp_bam.close() return aligned_reads
[docs]def process_bwa_bamfile(alignment, min_qual, contig_data, out_file): """Filter alignment BAM files Reads all the reads in the input BAM alignment file. Keep reads in the output if they are aligned with a good quality (greater than min quality threshold given) saving their only some columns: ReadID, Contig, Position_start, Position_end, strand to save memory. Parameters ---------- alignment : str Path to the input temporary alignment. min_qual : int Minimum mapping quality required to keep a Hi-C pair. contig_data : dict Dictionnary of the all the contigs from the assembly, the contigs names are the keys to the data of the contig available with the following keys: "id", "length", "GC", "hit", "coverage". Coverage still at 0 and need to be updated later. out_file : str Path to the output pairs file. Returns ------- int: Number of pairs aligned. """ # Read the bam file. n_pairs = 0 save = pysam.set_verbosity(0) temp_bam = pysam.AlignmentFile(alignment, "rb", check_sq=False) pysam.set_verbosity(save) with open(out_file, "w") as merged: # Write header of the pairs file. merged.write("## pairs format v1.0\n") merged.write("#columns: readID chr1 pos1 chr2 pos2 strand1 strand2\n") merged.write("#sorted: readID\n") merged.write("#shape: upper triangle\n") for contig in contig_data: merged.write( "#chromsize: {0} {1}\n".format( contig, contig_data[contig]["length"] ) ) # Loop until the end of the file. Read the reads by two as the forward # and reverse reads should be interleaved. while n_pairs >= 0: try: for_read = next(temp_bam) while for_read.is_supplementary: for_read = next(temp_bam) rev_read = next(temp_bam) while rev_read.is_supplementary: rev_read = next(temp_bam) # Check mapping quality if ( for_read.mapping_quality >= min_qual and rev_read.mapping_quality >= min_qual ): # Check flag if not (for_read.is_unmapped or rev_read.is_unmapped): n_pairs += 1 # Safety check (forward and reverse are the same reads) if for_read.query_name != rev_read.query_name: logger.error( f"Reads should be paired - {for_read.query_name}\t{rev_read.query_name}" ) raise ValueError # Define pairs value. name = for_read.query_name contig1 = for_read.reference_name contig2 = rev_read.reference_name pos1 = for_read.pos + 1 pos2 = for_read.pos + 1 strand1 = "+" strand2 = "+" if for_read.is_reverse: strand1 = "-" if rev_read.is_reverse: strand2 = "-" # Modify order to have an upper triangle and write # the pair. if (contig1 == contig2 and pos1 <= pos2) or contig_data[ contig1 ]["id"] < contig_data[contig2]["id"]: merged.write( "\t".join( [ name, contig1, str(pos1), contig2, str(pos2), strand1, strand2, ] ) + "\n" ) else: merged.write( "\t".join( [ name, contig2, str(pos2), contig1, str(pos1), strand2, strand1, ] ) + "\n" ) # Exit the loop if no more reads. except StopIteration: break # Close the bam file and return number of pairs temp_bam.close() return n_pairs