Source code for metator.commands

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8

"""Abstract command classes for metaTOR

This module contains all classes related to metaTOR commands:
    - network
    - partition
    - pipeline
    - validation
    - qualitycheck
    - contactmap

Structure based on Rémy Greinhofer (rgreinho) tutorial on subcommands in docopt
abignaud, 20201118

    Will be raised if AbstractCommand is called for some reason instead of one
    of its children.

import logging
import multiprocessing as mp
import os
import shutil
import time
import metator.align as mta
import metator.contact_map as mtc
import as mio
import metator.log as mtl
import metator.quality_check as mtq
import as mtn
import metator.partition as mtp
import metator.scaffold as mts
import metator.validation as mtv
from docopt import docopt
from functools import partial
from metator.log import logger
from metator.version import __version__
from os.path import exists, dirname, join
from scipy.sparse import save_npz, load_npz

[docs]class AbstractCommand: """Abstract base command class Base class for the commands from which other metaTOR commands derive. """ def __init__(self, command_args, global_args): """Initialize the commands""" self.args = docopt(self.__doc__, argv=command_args) self.global_args = global_args
[docs] def execute(self): """Execute the commands""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def check_output_path(self, path, force=False): """Throws error if the output file exists. Create required file tree otherwise. """ # Get complete output filename and prevent overwriting unless force is # enabled if not force and os.path.exists(path): raise IOError( "Output file already exists. Use --force to overwrite" ) if dirname(path): os.makedirs(dirname(path), exist_ok=True)
[docs]class Network(AbstractCommand): """Generation of network command Generate metaHiC contigs network from fastq reads or bam files.Generates a network file (in edgelist form) from either fastq files or bam files. For both starting input forward and reverse reads or alignment need to be in seprated files with the same read names. In the output network contigs are the network nodes and the edges are the contact counts. If multiple fastq are given will align them seprately and return a hit file with a number of hit for each sample. Note: the network is in a strict barebone form so that it can be reused and imported quickly into other applications etc. Verbose information about every single node in the network is written on a 'contig data' file. usage: network --forward=STR --assembly=FILE [--reverse=STR] [--aligner=bowtie2] [--aligner-mode=normal] [--depth=FILE] [--edge=0] [--enzyme=STR] [--normalization=empirical_hit] [--no-clean-up] [--outdir=DIR] [--min-quality=30] [--self-contacts] [--start=fastq] [--threads=1] [--tmpdir=DIR] options: -1, --forward=STR Fastq file or list of Fastq separated by a comma containing the forward reads to be aligned or their corresponding bam or pairs files. -2, --reverse=STR Fastq file or list of Fastq separated by a comma containing the reverse reads to be aligned or their corresponding bam files. Forward and reverse reads need to have the same identifier (read names). If start is set to pair, no argument is necessary. -a, --assembly=FILE The initial assembly path acting as the alignment file's reference genome or the basename of the bowtie2 index. -b, --aligner=STR Aligner algorithm to use. Either "bwa" or "bowtie2". [Default: bowtie2] -B, --aligner-mode=STR Mode of alignment from hicstuff. Either normal, iterative or cutsite. [Default: normal] -d, --depth=FILE The depth.txt file from the shotgun reads used to made the assembly computed by jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths from metabat2 pipeline. -E, --edge=INT Distance of the edge region in base pair on the contigs where the mapping reads are not considered as inter contigs. [Default: 0] -e, --enzyme=STR The list of restriction enzyme used to digest the contigs separated by a comma. Example: HpaII,MluCI. -n, --normalization=STR If None, do not normalized the count of a contact by the geometric mean of the coverage of the contigs. Otherwise it's the type of normalization. 6 values are possible "None", "abundance", "length", "RS", "empirical_hit", "theoritical_hit". [Default: empirical_hit] -N, --no-clean-up Do not remove temporary files. -o, --outdir=DIR The output directory to write the bam files the network and contig data into. Default: current directory. -q, --min-quality=INT Threshold of quality necessary to considered a read properly aligned. [Default: 30] -s, --self-contacts If enabled, count alignments between a contig and itself (intracontigs contacts). -S, --start=STR Start stage of the pipeline. Either "fastq", "bam", or "pair". [Default: fastq] -t, --threads=INT Number of parallel threads allocated for the alignement. [Default: 1] -T, --tmpdir=DIR Temporary directory. Default to current directory. [Default: ./tmp] """
[docs] def execute(self): # Defined the temporary directory. if not self.args["--tmpdir"]: tmp_dir = mio.generate_temp_dir("./tmp") else: tmp_dir = self.args["--tmpdir"] os.makedirs(tmp_dir, exist_ok=True) # Defined the output directory and output file names. if not self.args["--outdir"]: self.args["--outdir"] = "." os.makedirs(self.args["--outdir"], exist_ok=True) # Enable file logging now = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") log_file = join(self.args["--outdir"], (f"metator_network_{now}.log")) generate_log_header(log_file, cmd="network", args=self.args) # Transform integer variables as integer. min_qual = int(self.args["--min-quality"]) edge = int(self.args["--edge"]) # Defined boolean variables: self_contacts = self.args["--self-contacts"] # Check if forward and reverse arguments are given: if ( self.args["--start"] == "fastq" or ( self.args["--start"] == "bam" and self.args["--aligner"] == "bowtie2" ) ) and not self.args["--reverse"]: logger.error( "Forward and reverse arguments are necessary for fastq with %s start and %s aligner.", self.args["--start"], self.args["--aligner"], ) raise ValueError # Check aligner. if self.args["--aligner"] not in ["bowtie2", "bwa"]: logger.error('Aligner should be either "bowtie2" or "bwa".') raise ValueError # Check aligner mode. if self.args["--aligner-mode"] not in [ "normal", "iterative", "cutsite", ]: logger.error( 'Aligner mode should be either "normal", "iterative" or "cutsite".' ) raise ValueError if ( self.args["--aligner-mode"] == "cutsite" and not self.args["--enzyme"] ): logger.warning( "cutsite mode required an enzyme. Iterative mode will be use instead." ) self.args["--aligner-mode"] = "iterative" # Check correct algorithm value. # Check if normalization in the list of possible normalization. list_normalization = [ "None", "abundance", "length", "RS", "empirical_hit", "theoritical_hit", ] if self.args["--normalization"] not in list_normalization: logger.error( 'Normalization should be among this list: "None", "abundance", "length", "RS", "empirical_hit", "theoritical_hit"' ) raise ValueError enzyme_required = ["RS", "theoritical_hit"] if ( self.args["--normalization"] in enzyme_required and not self.args["--enzyme"] ): logger.error( 'For "RS" and "theoritical_hit" normalization, enzyme is required.' ) raise ValueError depth_required = ["abundance", "theoritical_hit"] if ( self.args["--normalization"] in depth_required and not self.args["--depth"] ): logger.error( 'For "abundance" and "theoritical_hit" normalization, depth is required.' ) raise ValueError if self.args["--start"] not in ["fastq", "bam", "pair", "network"]: logger.error( "Start argument should be 'fastq', 'bam', 'pair' or 'network'." ) raise ValueError # Extract index and genome file assembly = self.args["--assembly"] # Check what is the reference. If a fasta is given build the index. If a # bowtie2 index is given, retreive the fasta. index = mio.check_fasta_index(assembly, mode=self.args["--aligner"]) if index is None: if mio.check_is_fasta(assembly): fasta = assembly # If start at bam could skip the index generation. if self.args["--start"] == "fastq": index = mio.generate_fasta_index( fasta, self.args["--aligner"], tmp_dir ) else: logger.error( "Please give as assembly argument a %s index or a fasta.", self.args["--aligner"], ) raise ValueError else: fasta = mio.retrieve_fasta(index, self.args["--aligner"], tmp_dir) # Print information of teh workflow:"Aligner algorithm: %s", self.args["--aligner"])"Enzyme: %s", self.args["--enzyme"])"Normalization: %s", self.args["--normalization"])"Minimum mapping quality: %s", self.args["--min-quality"]) # Do not align if pair start if self.args["--start"] == "pair": alignment_files = self.args["--forward"].split(",") nb_alignment = len(alignment_files) contig_data, hit_data = mtn.create_contig_data( fasta, nb_alignment, self.args["--depth"], self.args["--enzyme"], ) else: # Align pair-end reads with bowtie2 alignment_files, contig_data, hit_data = mta.get_contact_pairs( self.args["--forward"], self.args["--reverse"], index, fasta, self.args["--aligner"], self.args["--aligner-mode"], min_qual, self.args["--start"], self.args["--depth"], self.args["--enzyme"], self.args["--outdir"], tmp_dir, self.args["--threads"], ) # Build the network mtn.alignment_to_contacts( alignment_files, contig_data, edge, hit_data, self.args["--outdir"], "network.txt", "contig_data_network.txt", tmp_dir, self.args["--threads"], self.args["--normalization"], self_contacts, ) # Delete the temporary folder if not self.args["--no-clean-up"]: shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) generate_log_footer(log_file)
[docs]class Partition(AbstractCommand): """Partition the network using Louvain algorithm Partition the network file using iteratively the Louvain or Leiden algorithm. Then looks for 'cores' bins that are constituted by the contigs which are always in the same cluster at each iterations. Then using the Hamming distance from these cores bins, merege the bins with a small Hamming distance (close to 1), bigger than the percentage (overlapping parameter) given. It will also update the file to integrate the bins information of the contigs. Furthermore, both Leiden and Louvain algorithm are available here. However, the benchmark made show that here the Louvain algorithm have better performance and is faster on seawater and gut metagenomic samples. Note that the Louvain or Leiden software are not, in the strictest sense, necessary. Any program that assigns a node to a bin, does so non deterministically and solely outputs a list in the form: 'node_id bin_id' could be plugged instead. usage: partition --assembly=FILE --contigs=FILE --network=FILE [--algorithm=louvain] [--cluster-matrix] [--force] [--iterations=100] [--no-clean-up] [--outdir=DIR] [--overlap=80] [--prefix=STR] [--res-param=1.0] [--size=500000] [--threads=1] [--tmpdir=DIR] options: -a, --assembly=FILE The path to the assembly fasta file used to do the alignment. -A, --algorithm=STR Either "louvain" or "leiden", algorithm to use to partition the network. [Default: louvain] -c, --contigs=FILE The path to the tsv file containing the data of the contigs (ID, Name, Length, GC content, Hit, Coverage, Restriction Site). -C, --cluster-matrix If enabled, save the clustering matrix. -F, --force If enabled, would remove directory of overlapping bins in the output directory. -i, --iterations=INT Number of iterations of Louvain. [Default: 100] -n, --network=FILE Path to the file containing the network information from the meta HiC experiment compute in network function previously. -N, --no-clean-up Do not remove temporary files. -o, --outdir=DIR Path to the directory to write the output. Default to current directory. [Default: ./] -O, --overlap=INT Hamming distance threshold to use to merge bins (percentage). [Default: 80] -p, --prefix=STR Prefix to use for fasta files. By default just 'metator_', otherwise 'STR_metator_'. -r, --res-param=FLOAT Resolution paramter to use for Leiden algorithm. [Default: 1.0] -s, --size=INT Threshold size to keep bins in base pair. [Default: 500000] -t, --threads=INT Number of parallel threads allocated for the partition. [Default: 1] -T, --tmpdir=DIR Temporary directory. Default to current directory. [Default: ./tmp] """
[docs] def execute(self): # Defined the temporary directory. if not self.args["--tmpdir"]: tmp_dir = mio.generate_temp_dir("./tmp") else: tmp_dir = self.args["--tmpdir"] os.makedirs(tmp_dir, exist_ok=True) # Defined the output directory. if not self.args["--outdir"]: self.args["--outdir"] = "." os.makedirs(self.args["--outdir"], exist_ok=True) fasta_dir = join(self.args["--outdir"], "overlapping_bin") if not exists(fasta_dir): os.makedirs(fasta_dir) else: if self.args["--force"]: shutil.rmtree(fasta_dir) os.makedirs(fasta_dir) else: logger.error( "%s already existed. Remove directory or use -F argument to overwrite it.", fasta_dir, ) raise ValueError # Enable file logging now = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") log_file = join(self.args["--outdir"], (f"metator_partition_{now}.log")) generate_log_header(log_file, cmd="partition", args=self.args) # Transform numeric variable as numeric iterations = int(self.args["--iterations"]) overlapping_parameter = int(self.args["--overlap"]) / 100 size = int(self.args["--size"]) threads = int(self.args["--threads"]) resolution_parameter = float(self.args["--res-param"]) # Check correct algorithm value if self.args["--algorithm"] not in ["louvain", "leiden"]: logger.error('algorithm should be either "louvain" or "leiden"') raise ValueError # Create prefix. if not self.args["--prefix"]: prefix = "metator" else: prefix = f"{self.args['--prefix']}_metator" # Partition the network _clustering_matrix_file, _contigs_data_file = mtp.partition( self.args["--algorithm"], self.args["--assembly"], self.args["--cluster-matrix"], self.args["--contigs"], iterations, self.args["--network"], self.args["--outdir"], fasta_dir, overlapping_parameter, resolution_parameter, size, tmp_dir, threads, prefix, ) # Delete pyfastx index: os.remove(self.args["--assembly"] + ".fxi") # Delete the temporary folder if not self.args["--no-clean-up"]: shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) generate_log_footer(log_file)
[docs]class Validation(AbstractCommand): """Use CheckM to validate the bins. Recursively decontaminate the contaminated bins evaluated by checkM. The script returns new decontaminated fasta and summary files of the decontamination. Only bins with more than 50% completion and 5% contamination are subject to the recursive step. If the recursive step gave worst results than the first (decrease of the completion with no decrease of the contamination), it will keep the original bin. usage: validation --assembly=FILE --contigs=FILE --fasta=DIR --network=FILE [--algorithm=louvain] [--cluster-matrix] [--force] [--iterations=10] [--no-clean-up] [--outdir=DIR] [--overlap=90] [--prefix=STR] [--res-param=1.0] [--size=500000] [--threads=1] [--tmpdir=DIR] options: -a, --assembly=FILE The path to the assembly fasta file used to do the alignment. -A, --algorithm=STR Algorithm to use. Either "louvain", "leiden" or "spinglass". [Default: louvain] -c, --contigs=FILE The path to the file containing the data of the contigs from the partition step (13 columns). -C, --cluster-matrix If enabled, save the clustering matrix. -f, --fasta=DIR Path to the directory containing the input fasta files of the bins to decontaminate. -F, --force If enable, would remove directory of recursive bins in the output directory. -i, --iterations=INT Number of recursive iterations of Louvain. [Default: 10] -n, --network=FILE Path to the file containing the network information from the meta HiC experiment compute in network function previously. -N, --no-clean-up Do not remove temporary files. -o, --outdir=DIR Path to the directory to write the output. Default to current directory. [Default: ./] -O, --overlap=INT Hamming distance threshold to use to merge bins (percentage). [Default: 90] -p, --prefix=STR Prefix to use for fasta files. By default just 'metator_', otherwise 'STR_metator_'. -r, --res-param=FLOAT Resolution paramter to use for Leiden algorithm. [Default: 1.0] -s, --size=INT Threshold size to keep bins in base pair. [Default: 500000] -t, --threads=INT Number of parallel threads allocated for the partition. [Default: 1] -T, --tmpdir=DIR Temporary directory. Default to current directory. [Default: ./tmp] """ # Launch checkM to evaluate the completion and the contamination. If asked # rerun Louvain to try to reduce the contamination, rerun checkM if the # contamination decrease without a huge decrease of the completion keep the # new bins. Otherwise go back to the old state.
[docs] def execute(self): # Defined the temporary directory. if not self.args["--tmpdir"]: tmp_dir = mio.generate_temp_dir("./tmp") else: tmp_dir = self.args["--tmpdir"] os.makedirs(tmp_dir, exist_ok=True) # Defined the output directory and output file names. if not self.args["--outdir"]: self.args["--outdir"] = "." os.makedirs(self.args["--outdir"], exist_ok=True) recursive_fasta_dir = join(self.args["--outdir"], "recursive_bin") final_fasta_dir = join(self.args["--outdir"], "final_bin") if not exists(recursive_fasta_dir): os.makedirs(recursive_fasta_dir) else: if self.args["--force"]: shutil.rmtree(recursive_fasta_dir) os.makedirs(recursive_fasta_dir) else: logger.error( "%s already existed. Remove directory or use -F argument to overwrite it.", recursive_fasta_dir, ) raise ValueError if not exists(final_fasta_dir): os.makedirs(final_fasta_dir) else: if self.args["--force"]: shutil.rmtree(final_fasta_dir) os.makedirs(final_fasta_dir) else: logger.error( "%s already existed. Remove directory or use -F argument to overwrite it.", final_fasta_dir, ) raise ValueError # Enable file logging now = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") log_file = join( self.args["--outdir"], (f"metator_validation_{now}.log") ) generate_log_header(log_file, cmd="validation", args=self.args) # Transform numeric variable as numeric iterations = int(self.args["--iterations"]) size = int(self.args["--size"]) threads = int(self.args["--threads"]) overlapping_parameter = int(self.args["--overlap"]) / 100 resolution_parameter = float(self.args["--res-param"]) # Check correct algorithm value if self.args["--algorithm"] not in ["louvain", "leiden", "spinglass"]: logger.error( 'algorithm should be either "louvain", "leiden" or "spinglass.' ) raise ValueError # Create prefix. if not self.args["--prefix"]: prefix = "metator" else: prefix = f"{self.args['--prefix']}_metator" _clustering_matrix_file = mtv.recursive_decontamination( self.args["--algorithm"], self.args["--assembly"], self.args["--cluster-matrix"], self.args["--contigs"], final_fasta_dir, self.args["--fasta"], iterations, self.args["--network"], self.args["--outdir"], overlapping_parameter, recursive_fasta_dir, resolution_parameter, size, tmp_dir, threads, prefix, ) # Delete pyfastx index: os.remove(self.args["--assembly"] + ".fxi") # Delete the temporary folder if not self.args["--no-clean-up"]: shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) generate_log_footer(log_file)
[docs]class Pipeline(AbstractCommand): """Launch the full metator pipeline Partition the contigs from teh assembly in bins from the metaHiC reads. It's possible to start from the fastq, the bam, the pair or the network files. It's will also possible to ask or not to run a validation step which will decontaminate the bins when it's necessary. However as it's the critical step for memory usage (~40G), it's possible to skip these step. usage: pipeline --assembly=FILE [--forward=STR] [--reverse=STR] [--algorithm=louvain] [--aligner=bowtie2] [--aligner-mode=normal] [--cluster-matrix] [--depth=FILE] [--edge=0] [--enzyme=STR] [--force] [--iterations=100] [--rec-iter=10] [--junctions=NNNNN] [--no-clean-up] [--normalization=empirical_hit] [--outdir=DIR] [--overlap=80] [--prefix=STR] [--rec-overlap=90] [--min-quality=30] [--res-param=1.0] [--size=500000] [--start=fastq] [--scaffold] [--threads=1] [--tmpdir=DIR] options: -1, --forward=STR Fastq file or list of Fastq separated by a comma containing the forward reads to be aligned or their corresponding bam or pairs files. -2, --reverse=STR Fastq file or list of Fastq separated by a comma containing the reverse reads to be aligned or their corresponding bam files. Forward and reverse reads need to have the same identifier (read names). If pair start is used no argument is necessary. -a, --assembly=FILE The initial assembly path acting as the alignment file's reference genome or the basename of the bowtie2 index. -A, --algorithm=STR Algorithm to use. Either "louvain", "leiden" or "spinglass". If spinglass is chosen, the first partition will be done using louvain [Default: louvain] -b, --aligner=STR Aligner algorithm to use. Either "bwa" or "bowtie2". [Default: bowtie2] -B, --aligner-mode=STR Mode of alignment from hicstuff. Either normal, iterative or cutsite. [Default: normal] -C, --cluster-matrix If enabled, save the clustering matrix. -d, --depth=FILE The depth.txt file from the shotgun reads used to made the assembly computed by jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths from metabat2 pipeline. -E, --edge=INT Distance of the edge region in base pair on the contigs where the mapping reads are not considered as inter contigs. [Default: 0] -e, --enzyme=STR The list of restriction enzyme used to digest the contigs separated by a comma. Example: HpaII,MluCI. -F, --force If enable, would remove directory of overlapping bins in the output directory. -i, --iterations=INT Number of iterations of Louvain for the partition step. [Default: 100] -j, --rec-iter=INT Number of iterations of Louvain for the recursive step. [Default: 10] -J, --junctions=STR Sequences to use as junction between contigs. [Default: NNNNN] -N, --no-clean-up Do not remove temporary files. -m, --normalization=STR If None, do not normalized the count of a contact by the geometric mean of the coverage of the contigs. Otherwise it's the type of normalization. 6 values are possible None, abundance, length, RS, empirical_hit, theoritical_hit. [Default: empirical_hit] -o, --outdir=DIR The output directory to write the bam files the network and contig data into. Default: current directory. -O, --overlap=INT Hamming distance threshold to use to merge bins for the first step (percentage). [Default: 80] -p, --prefix=STR Prefix to use for fasta files. By default just 'metator_', otherwise 'STR_metator_'. -P, --rec-overlap=INT Hamming distance threshold to use to merge bins for the recursive step (percentage). [Default: 90] -q, --min-quality=INT Threshold of quality necessary to considered a read properly aligned. [Default: 30] -r, --res-param=FLOAT Resolution paramter to use for Leiden algorithm. [Default: 1.0] -s, --size=INT Threshold size to keep bins in base pair. [Default: 500000] -S, --start=STR Start stage of the pipeline. Either fastq, bam, or pair. [Default: fastq] -t, --threads=INT Number of parallel threads allocated for the alignement. [Default: 1] -T, --tmpdir=DIR Temporary directory. Default to current directory. [Default: ./tmp] -v, --scaffold If enables, it will sacffold the genomes at the end. """
[docs] def execute(self): # Defined the temporary directory. if not self.args["--tmpdir"]: tmp_dir = mio.generate_temp_dir("./tmp") else: tmp_dir = self.args["--tmpdir"] os.makedirs(tmp_dir, exist_ok=True) # Defined the output directory and output file names. if not self.args["--outdir"]: self.args["--outdir"] = "." os.makedirs(self.args["--outdir"], exist_ok=True) overlapping_fasta_dir = join(self.args["--outdir"], "overlapping_bin") if not exists(overlapping_fasta_dir): os.makedirs(overlapping_fasta_dir) else: if self.args["--force"]: shutil.rmtree(overlapping_fasta_dir) os.makedirs(overlapping_fasta_dir) else: print(self.args["--force"]) logger.error( "%s already existed. Remove directory or use -F argument to overwrite it.", overlapping_fasta_dir, ) raise ValueError # Enable file logging now = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") log_file = join(self.args["--outdir"], (f"metator_pipeline_{now}.log")) generate_log_header(log_file, cmd="pipeline", args=self.args) # Define variable min_qual = int(self.args["--min-quality"]) iterations = int(self.args["--iterations"]) edge = int(self.args["--edge"]) recursive_iterations = int(self.args["--rec-iter"]) overlapping_parameter = int(self.args["--overlap"]) / 100 recursive_overlapping_parameter = int(self.args["--rec-overlap"]) / 100 size = int(self.args["--size"]) threads = int(self.args["--threads"]) resolution_parameter = float(self.args["--res-param"]) # Check aligner. if self.args["--aligner"] not in ["bowtie2", "bwa"]: logger.error('Aligner should be either "bowtie2" or "bwa".') raise ValueError # Check aligner mode. if self.args["--aligner-mode"] not in [ "normal", "iterative", "cutsite", ]: logger.error( 'Aligner mode should be either "normal", "iterative" or "cutsite".' ) raise ValueError if ( self.args["--aligner-mode"] == "cutsite" and not self.args["--enzyme"] ): logger.warning( "cutsite mode required an enzyme. Iterative mode will be use instead." ) self.args["--aligner-mode"] = "iterative" # Check correct algorithm value. if self.args["--algorithm"] not in ["louvain", "leiden", "spinglass"]: logger.error( 'algorithm should be either "louvain", "leiden" or "spinglass.' ) raise ValueError # Check if normalization in the list of possible normalization. list_normalization = [ "None", "abundance", "length", "RS", "empirical_hit", "theoritical_hit", ] if self.args["--normalization"] not in list_normalization: logger.error( 'Normalization should be among this list: "None", "abundance", "length", "RS", "empirical_hit", "theoritical_hit"' ) raise ValueError enzyme_required = ["RS", "theoritical_hit"] if ( self.args["--normalization"] in enzyme_required and not self.args["--enzyme"] ): logger.error( 'For "RS" and "theoritical_hit" normalization, enzyme is required.' ) raise ValueError depth_required = ["abundance", "theoritical_hit"] if ( self.args["--normalization"] in depth_required and not self.args["--depth"] ): logger.error( 'For "abundance" and "theoritical_hit" normalization, depth is required.' ) raise ValueError # Sanity check for validation recursive_fasta_dir = join(self.args["--outdir"], "recursive_bin") if not exists(recursive_fasta_dir): os.makedirs(recursive_fasta_dir) else: if self.args["--force"]: shutil.rmtree(recursive_fasta_dir) os.makedirs(recursive_fasta_dir) else: logger.error( "%s already existed. Remove directory or use -F argument to overwrite it", recursive_fasta_dir, ) raise ValueError final_fasta_dir = join(self.args["--outdir"], "final_bin_unscaffold") if not exists(final_fasta_dir): os.makedirs(final_fasta_dir) else: if self.args["--force"]: shutil.rmtree(final_fasta_dir) os.makedirs(final_fasta_dir) else: logger.error( "%s already existed. Remove directory or use -F argument to overwrite it.", final_fasta_dir, ) raise ValueError # Sanity check for scaffolding if self.args["--scaffold"]: scaffold_fasta_dir = join(self.args["--outdir"], "scaffold_bin") if not exists(scaffold_fasta_dir): os.makedirs(scaffold_fasta_dir) else: if self.args["--force"]: shutil.rmtree(scaffold_fasta_dir) os.makedirs(scaffold_fasta_dir) else: logger.error( "%s already existed. Remove directory or use -F argument to overwrite it.", scaffold_fasta_dir, ) raise ValueError # Create prefix. if not self.args["--prefix"]: prefix = "metator" else: prefix = f"{self.args['--prefix']}_metator" # Manage start point. if self.args["--start"] == "fastq": start = 1 elif self.args["--start"] == "bam": start = 2 elif self.args["--start"] == "pair": start = 3 else: logger.error("Start argument should be 'fastq', 'bam', or 'pair'.") raise ValueError # Check if forward and reverse reads are given for fastq and bam start. if ( self.args["--start"] == "fastq" or ( self.args["--start"] == "bam" and self.args["--aligner"] == "bowtie2" ) ) and not self.args["--reverse"]: logger.error( "Forward and reverse arguments are necessary for fastq with %s start and %s aligner.", self.args["--start"], self.args["--aligner"], ) raise ValueError # Print information of the workflow: if start == 1:"Minimum mapping quality: {min_qual}") if start <= 2:"Enzyme: {self.args['--enzyme']}")"Normalization: {self.args['--normalization']}")"Aligner algorithm: {self.args['--aligner']}")"Partition algorithm: {self.args['--algorithm']}")"Partition iterations: {iterations}")"Overlapping parameter: {overlapping_parameter}")"Recursive partition iterations: {recursive_iterations}") f"Recursive overlapping parameter: {recursive_overlapping_parameter}\n" ) # Extract index and genome file assembly = self.args["--assembly"] # Check what is the reference. If a fasta is given build the index. If a # bowtie2 index is given, retreive the fasta. index = mio.check_fasta_index(assembly, mode=self.args["--aligner"]) if index is None: if mio.check_is_fasta(assembly): fasta = assembly if start == 1: index = mio.generate_fasta_index( fasta, self.args["--aligner"], tmp_dir ) else: logger.error( "Please give as assembly argument a bowtie2 index or a fasta." ) raise ValueError else: fasta = mio.retrieve_fasta(index, self.args["--aligner"], tmp_dir) # Run the whole workflow if start <= 2: # Align pair-end reads with bowtie2 alignment_files, contig_data, hit_data = mta.get_contact_pairs( self.args["--forward"], self.args["--reverse"], index, fasta, self.args["--aligner"], self.args["--aligner-mode"], min_qual, self.args["--start"], self.args["--depth"], self.args["--enzyme"], self.args["--outdir"], tmp_dir, self.args["--threads"], ) else: alignment_files = self.args["--forward"].split(",") nb_alignment = len(alignment_files) contig_data, hit_data = mtn.create_contig_data( fasta, nb_alignment, self.args["--depth"], self.args["--enzyme"], ) # Build the network network_file, contigs_data_file = mtn.alignment_to_contacts( alignment_files, contig_data, edge, hit_data, self.args["--outdir"], "network.txt", "contig_data_network.txt", tmp_dir, self.args["--threads"], self.args["--normalization"], False, ) # Partition the network clustering_matrix_partition_file, contigs_data_file = mtp.partition( self.args["--algorithm"], fasta, self.args["--cluster-matrix"], contigs_data_file, iterations, network_file, self.args["--outdir"], overlapping_fasta_dir, overlapping_parameter, resolution_parameter, size, tmp_dir, threads, prefix, ) # remove contig_data_network if not an input if start <= 2: contig_data_network_file = join( self.args["--outdir"], "contig_data_network.txt" ) os.remove(contig_data_network_file) # Launch validation. clustering_matrix_recursive_file = mtv.recursive_decontamination( self.args["--algorithm"], fasta, self.args["--cluster-matrix"], contigs_data_file, final_fasta_dir, overlapping_fasta_dir, recursive_iterations, network_file, self.args["--outdir"], recursive_overlapping_parameter, recursive_fasta_dir, resolution_parameter, size, tmp_dir, threads, prefix, ) if self.args["--cluster-matrix"]: # Make the sum with the partiton clustering matrix and save it. clustering_matrix = load_npz( clustering_matrix_partition_file + ".npz" ) clustering_matrix_recursive = load_npz( clustering_matrix_recursive_file + ".npz" ) clustering_matrix = ( (clustering_matrix + clustering_matrix_recursive) / 2 ).tocoo() clustering_matrix_file = join( self.args["--outdir"], "clustering_matrix" ) save_npz(clustering_matrix_file, clustering_matrix) # Remove contig_data_partition file contig_data_partition_file = join( self.args["--outdir"], "contig_data_partition.txt" ) os.remove(contig_data_partition_file) # Launch the scaffold if self.args["--scaffold"]: bin_summary = mio.read_bin_summary( join(self.args["--outdir"], "bin_summary.txt") ) task = partial( mts.parallel_scaffold, final_fasta_dir=final_fasta_dir, alignment_files=alignment_files, scaffold_fasta_dir=scaffold_fasta_dir, junctions=self.args["--junctions"], ) pool = mp.Pool(processes=int(self.args["--threads"])), bin_summary.index) # Delete pyfastx index: os.remove(fasta + ".fxi") # Delete the temporary folder. if not self.args["--no-clean-up"]: shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) if start < 3: for pair_file in alignment_files: os.remove(pair_file) generate_log_footer(log_file)
[docs]class Qc(AbstractCommand): """Generates some quality check on the output of metator. The quality check is done on the high quality MAGs and only contigs witha size bigger than 100kb. The goal is to assess HiC quality metrics on genomes we kinda know to have a estimation of the quality of the library. If the plot are set it will return some plot of the event distribution on the high quality contigs. usage: qc --assembly=FILE --enzyme=STR [--bin-summary=FILE] [--contig-data=FILE] [--metator-dir=DIR] [--no-clean-up] [--outdir=DIR] [--prefix=STR] [--plot] [--threshold=STR] [--tmpdir=DIR] <pairsfile>... arguments: pairsfile File(s) containing pairs information. options: -a, --assembly=FILE Path to the fasta file containing the contigs of interest. Could be the whole or the extracted contigs of one bin. -b, --bin-summary=FILE Path to the bin_summary.txt file from MetaTOR output. -c, --contig-data=FILE Path to the contig_data_final.txt file from MetaTOR output. -e, --enzyme=STR The list of restriction enzyme used to digest the contigs separated by a comma. Example: HpaII,MluCI. -n, --no-clean-up If enabled intermediary files will be kept. -O, --metator-dir=DIR Output directory from metator pipeline. If set contigs data and bin summary will be found automatically. -o, --outdir=DIR Directory to save output plots and log. -p, --prefix=STR Name of the sample to add on plot and files. -P, --plot If enable display some plots. -t, --threshold=STR Hicstuff religation and loop thresholds. Two integers seperated by a coma. -T, --tmpdir=DIR Temporary directory to save pairs files """
[docs] def execute(self): # Defined the temporary directory. if not self.args["--tmpdir"]: self.args["--tmpdir"] = "./tmp" tmp_dir = mio.generate_temp_dir(self.args["--tmpdir"]) # Set output directory. if not self.args["--outdir"]: if self.args["--prefix"]: prefix = self.args["--prefix"] self.args["--outdir"] = join(".", f"metator_qc_{prefix}") else: self.args["--outdir"] = join(".", "metator_qc") os.makedirs(self.args["--outdir"], exist_ok=True) # Enable file logging now = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") log_file = join(self.args["--outdir"], (f"metator_qc_{now}.log")) generate_log_header(log_file, cmd="qc", args=self.args) # Try to find input files. if self.args["--metator-dir"]: metator_dir = self.args["--metator-dir"] else: metator_dir = "." if self.args["--bin-summary"]: bin_summary_file = self.args["--bin-summary"] else: bin_summary_file = join(metator_dir, "bin_summary.txt") if not exists(bin_summary_file): logger.error( "Please give a bin summary file, or the ouput directory of metator or launch this command from the output directory of metator." ) logger.error( "You can also check that a bin_summary.txt is present in metator output directory" ) raise FileNotFoundError if self.args["--contig-data"]: contig_data_file = self.args["--contig-data"] else: contig_data_file = join(metator_dir, "contig_data_final.txt") if not exists(contig_data_file): logger.error( "Please give a contig data file, or the ouput directory of metator or launch this command from the output directory of metator." ) logger.error( "You can also check that a contig_data_final.txt is present in metator output directory" ) raise FileNotFoundError # Set parameters. if self.args["--prefix"]: prefix = self.args["--prefix"] else: prefix = "metator_qc" if self.args["--enzyme"]: self.args["--enzyme"] = self.args["--enzyme"].split(",") if self.args["--threshold"]: self.args["--threshold"] = self.args["--threshold"].split(",") # Launch quality check mtq.quality_check( contig_data_file, bin_summary_file, self.args["--assembly"], self.args["<pairsfile>"], self.args["--outdir"], tmp_dir, prefix, self.args["--plot"], enzyme=self.args["--enzyme"], threshold=self.args["--threshold"], ) # Delete the temporary folder. if not self.args["--no-clean-up"]: shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) generate_log_footer(log_file)
[docs]class Contactmap(AbstractCommand): """Generates a HiC contact map of a MetaTOR object from the pairs files, the contig data file and a fasta file containing the contigs of interest. Generates the Hi-C matrix of one MetaTOR object form the pair alignment file of metaTOR. MetaTOR object integrated are contigs, and core, overlapping, recursive, final or personalized bins. For the personalized bins you should add a column in the contig_data_final.txt file with a header called "Other". Do not display the matrix, you have to run another pipeline to display it such hicstuff view or cooler show depending on the metrix format chosen. It's also possible to try to scaffold the bin using instagraal pipeline using the output. usage: contactmap --assembly=FILE --contig-data=FILE --enzyme=STR --name=STR [--filter] [--force] [--mat-fmt=graal] [--min-size=5000] [--no-clean-up] [--object=final_bin] [--outdir=DIR] [--pcr-dup] [--tmpdir=DIR] [--threads=1] <pairsfile>... argument: pairsfile File(s) containing pairs information. options: -a, --assembly=FILE Path to the fasta file containing the contigs of interest. Could be the whole or the extracted contigs of one bin. -c, --contig-data=FILE Path to the contig_data_final.txt file from MetaTOR output. -e, --enzyme=STR The list of restriction enzyme used to digest the contigs separated by a comma. Example: HpaII,MluCI. -n, --name=STR Name of the metator or its numerical ID for the core bin, overlapping bin or recursive bin objects. Example: "NODE_1", "MetaTOR_1_0" or 8. -D, --pcr-dup, Filter out PCR duplicates based on read positions. -f, --filter Filter out spurious 3C events (loops and uncuts) using hicstuff filter. For more informations, see Cournac et al. BMC Genomics, 2012. -F, --force Write files even if the output files already exists. -m, --mat-fmt=STR The format of the output sparse matrix. Can be "bg2" for 2D Bedgraph format, "cool" for Mirnylab's cooler software, or "graal" for graal-compatible plain text COO format. [default: graal] -N, --no-clean-up If enabled intermediary files will be kept. -o, --outdir=DIR Output directory. Default creates a new directory contact_map in the current directory. -O, --object=STR Type of metator object used to build a contact map. Either "contig", "core_bin", "overlapping_bin", "recursive_bin", "final_bin" or "other". [Default: final_bin] -s, --min-size=INT Minimum size threshold to consider contigs. [Default: 5000] -t, --threads=INT Number of threads to allocate. [Default: 1] -T, --tmpdir=DIR Directory for storing intermediary files and temporary files. Default creates a "tmp" folder in the current directory. """
[docs] def execute(self): # Defined the temporary directory. if not self.args["--tmpdir"]: self.args["--tmpdir"] = "./tmp" tmp_dir = mio.generate_temp_dir(self.args["--tmpdir"]) # Defined the output directory and output file names. if not self.args["--outdir"]: self.args["--outdir"] = join( ".", "contact_map_" + self.args["--name"] ) os.makedirs(self.args["--outdir"], exist_ok=True) mtc.generate_contact_map( self.args["--assembly"], self.args["--contig-data"], self.args["--enzyme"], self.args["--name"], self.args["<pairsfile>"], self.args["--outdir"], tmp_dir, self.args["--filter"], self.args["--force"], self.args["--mat-fmt"], self.args["--object"], int(self.args["--min-size"]), self.args["--pcr-dup"], int(self.args["--threads"]), ) # Delete the temporary folder. if not self.args["--no-clean-up"]: shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) # Delete pyfastx index: os.remove(self.args["--assembly"] + ".fxi")
[docs]class Scaffold(AbstractCommand): """Scaffold a bin from metator. Use the pairs to build a scaffold from the binned contigs. The scaffolding is based on contact between the edges of the contigs. There are normalized based on intra contacts of the contigs except for the small contigs where a low score is given. usage: scaffold --bin-name=STR --input-fasta=FILE [--junctions=NNNNN] [--out-fasta=FILE] [--out-frags=FILE] [--threads=1] [--threshold=0.05] [--window-size=5000] <pairsfile>... arguments: pairsfile File(s) containing pairs information. options: -b, --bin-name=STR Name of the bin to scaffold. -i, --input-fasta=FILE Path to the input fasta. -j, --junctions=STR Sequences to use as junction between contigs. [Default: NNNNN] -o, --out-fasta=FILE Path to write the output fasta. Default in the current directory: '"$bin_name"_scaffolded.fa'. -O, --out-frags=FILE Path to write the fragments information. Default in the current directory: '"$bin_name"_info_frags.txt'. -t, --threads=INT Numbers of threads to allocate if pairs need to be sorted. [Default: 1] -T, --threshold=FLOAT Threshold score to consider an association between two contigs. [Default: 0.05] -w, --window-size=INT Size of the window in base pair to use as edge window to scaffold. [Default: 5000] """
[docs] def execute(self): # Generate log now = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") log_file = f"metator_scaffold_{now}.log" generate_log_header(log_file, cmd="scaffold", args=self.args) # Create output files: if self.args["--out-fasta"] is None: out_fasta = join(".", f'{self.args["--bin-name"]}_scaffolded.fa') else: out_fasta = self.args["--out-fasta"] if self.args["--out-frags"] is None: out_info = join(".", f'{self.args["--bin-name"]}_info_frags.txt') else: out_info = self.args["--out-frags"] # Get the scaffolds mts.get_scaffolds( self.args["--bin-name"], self.args["--input-fasta"], self.args["<pairsfile>"], out_fasta, out_info, threshold=float(self.args["--threshold"]), threads=int(self.args["--threads"]), window_size=int(self.args["--window-size"]), junctions=self.args["--junctions"], ) generate_log_footer(log_file)
[docs]class Pairs(AbstractCommand): """Sort and pairs files for faster assess to the data. Sort the pairs file using pairtools. Compress them using bgzip. Index them using pairix. usage: pairs [--force] [--remove] [--threads=1] <pairsfile>... arguments: pairsfile File(s) containing pairs information. options: -F, --force Write files even if the output files already exists. -r, --remove Remove the input file at the end to keep only the sorted, compressed and indexed pairs file. -t, --threads=INT Numbers of thread to allocate. [Default: 1] """
[docs] def execute(self): # Generate log now = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") log_file = f"metator_pairs_{now}.log" generate_log_header(log_file, cmd="pairs", args=self.args) # Iterates on pairfiles given. pairsfiles = self.args["<pairsfile>"] for pairsfile in pairsfiles:"Processing {pairsfile}...") # Run the sort/compress/index command. _ = mio.sort_pairs_pairtools( pairsfile, threads=int(self.args["--threads"]), remove=self.args["--remove"], force=self.args["--force"], ) generate_log_footer(log_file)
[docs]def generate_log_header(log_path, cmd, args): mtl.set_file_handler(log_path, formatter=logging.Formatter(""))"## MetaTOR: v{__version__} log file")"## date: {time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}") f"## Command used: metator {cmd} {' '.join(f'{key} {value}' for key, value in args.items())}" )"\n---\n") mtl.set_file_handler(log_path, formatter=mtl.logfile_formatter)