Source code for metator.contact_map

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Generates a HiC contact map of a MetaTOR object.

General utility functions and class for handling one MetaTOR object and for
generating its HiC contact map using hicstuff pipeline.

Core class to handle bin object easily:
    - MetatorObject

Core function to build the network are:
    - extract_pairs
    - generate_contact_map

import hicstuff.pipeline as hcp
import as mio
from metator.log import logger
from os.path import join
import pandas as pd
import pypairix
import subprocess as sp

[docs]class MetatorObject: """ Class to handle MetaTOR object informations and to extract easily aligned pairs from the object given. The class is initiate by the MetaTOR object type, its name, the assembly file, the contig data file from MetaTOR and the pairs files. It's possible to add a threshold on the contigs size. """ def __init__( self, metator_object, name, assembly, contig_data_file, pairs, min_size=5000, ): """Initiates the MetaTOR objects and set useful informations. Parameters: ----------- metator_object : str Object to extract contigs to build the matrix. Either "contig", "core_bin", "overlapping_bin", "recursive_bin", "final_bin" or "other". name : str Name of the object. Could be the name of a contig, an id of a bin or the name of the bin. Example: "NODE_1" or "MetaTOR_1_0". assembly : str Path to the fasta file containing the contigs of interest. Could be the whole or the extracted contigs of one bin. contig_data_file : str Path to the contig_data_final.txt file form MetaTOR output. pairs : List of str List of path of the ".pairs" file. min_size : int Size threshold used to filter contigs. Default: 5000. """ self.assembly = assembly self.contigs_data = contig_data_file self.pairs_files = pairs self.min_size = min_size self.set_metator_object(metator_object, name) self.contigs = None self.large_contigs = None self.contigs_size = None self.fasta = None self.pairs = None
[docs] def get_contigs_data(self): """Method to get contigs data Dataframe Returns: -------- pandas.core.frame.DataFrame Table with informations from metaTOR binning for each contigs. """ contigs_data = pd.read_csv(self.contigs_data, sep="\t") return contigs_data
[docs] def set_contigs(self): """Method to extract the list of contigs of the class from the contig data file and their size. """ contigs_data = self.get_contigs_data() try: contigs_data[self.object] except KeyError: logger.error("The object that you gave is not in the table.") raise ValueError self.contigs = list( contigs_data["Name"][contigs_data[self.object] ==] ) self.contigs_size = list( contigs_data["Size"][contigs_data[self.object] ==] )
[docs] def set_large_contigs(self): """Method to keep only contigs bigger than the threshold given to remove small bins which will be smaller than the binning value and which will prevent a good scaffolding with Instagraal. """ self.large_contigs = [] for index, value in enumerate(self.contigs_size): if value >= self.min_size: self.large_contigs.append(self.contigs[index]) self.contigs = self.large_contigs self.contigs_size = [ size for size in self.contigs_size if size >= self.min_size ]
[docs] def set_metator_object(self, metator_object, name): """Method to get the metator object and name of the object usable for the algorithm. Parameters: ----------- metator_object : str Object to extract contigs to build the matrix. Either "contig", "core_bin", "overlapping_bin", "recursive_bin", "final_bin" or "other". name : str Name of the object. Could be the name of a contig, an id of a bin or the name of the bin. Example: "NODE_1" or "MetaTOR_1_0". """ if metator_object == "contig": self.object = "Name" = name elif metator_object == "core_bin": self.object = "Core_bin_ID" try: int(name) = str(name) except ValueError as object_no_exist: logger.error( "With core bin object, the name should be the numeric ID of\ the core bin." ) raise ValueError from object_no_exist elif metator_object == "overlapping_bin": self.object = "Overlapping_bin_ID" try: int(name) = str(name) except ValueError: = str(name.split("_")[1]) try: int( except ValueError as object_no_exist: logger.error( "Overlapping bin name should be either numerical ID or \ a name like 'MetaTOR_1' or 'MetaTOR_1_0'." ) raise ValueError from object_no_exist elif metator_object == "recursive_bin": self.object = "Recursive_bin_ID" try: int(name) = str(name) except ValueError: = str(name.split("_")[2]) try: int( except ValueError as object_no_exist: logger.error( "Overlapping bin name should be either numerical ID or \ a name like 'MetaTOR_1_1'." ) raise ValueError from object_no_exist if int( <= 0: logger.error( "A recursive bin should have an id bigger than 0." ) elif metator_object == "final_bin": self.object = "Final_bin" = name else: self.object = str(metator_object) try: = int(name) except ValueError: = str(name)
[docs] def write_fasta(self, tmp_dir, out_dir): """Method to write the new fasta with only the contigs of interest in the outdir directory. Parameters: ----------- tmp_dir : str Path to the temporary directory to write the list of contigs of the object. out_dir : str Path to the output directory where to write the new fasta file. """ # Create a fasta ouput file. self.fasta = join(out_dir, f"{}.fa") # Write a contigs used by pyfastx extract. contigs_list = join(tmp_dir, f"{}.txt") with open(contigs_list, "w") as file: for contig_name in self.contigs: file.write("%s\n" % contig_name) # Extract contigs from the fastq. cmd = "pyfastx extract {0} -l {1} > {2}".format( self.assembly, contigs_list, self.fasta ) process = sp.Popen(cmd, shell=True) process.communicate()
[docs]def extract_pairs(metator_data): """Function to extract the pairs of a MetaTOR object from pairs files. Parameters: ----------- metator_data : object from class MetatorObject Object of the class MetatorObject. It should have the parameters contigs and the output pairs file of the metaTOR object set. Returns: -------- int: Number of pairs from the MetaTOR object. """ # Initiation n_pairs = 0 output_file = metator_data.pairs # Write one pair file for all the ones given. with open(output_file, "w") as output_pairs: # Write the header of the output pairs output_pairs.write("## pairs format v1.0\n") output_pairs.write( "#columns: readID chr1 pos1 chr2 pos2 strand1 strand2\n" ) for contig_id, contig in enumerate(metator_data.contigs): output_pairs.write( "#chromsize: {0} {1}\n".format( contig, metator_data.contigs_size[contig_id], ) ) for pairs_file in metator_data.pairs_files: # Check if the pairix index exist. pairs_data = mio.get_pairs_data(pairs_file) # Need a sorted (chr1 chr2 pos1 pos2) pair file indexed with pairix. for contig_id1, contig in enumerate(metator_data.contigs): # Only need to retrieve the upper triangle. for contig_id2 in range(contig_id1, len(metator_data.contigs)): pairs_lines = pairs_data.query2D( contig, 0, metator_data.contigs_size[contig_id1], metator_data.contigs[contig_id2], 0, metator_data.contigs_size[contig_id2], 1, ) for pairs_line in pairs_lines: pairs_line = pairs_line[:7] n_pairs += 1 output_pairs.write("\t".join(pairs_line) + "\n") return n_pairs
[docs]def generate_contact_map( assembly, contig_data_file, enzyme, name, pairs, out_dir, tmp_dir, filter_events=False, force=False, mat_fmt="graal", metator_object="final_bin", min_size=5000, pcr_duplicates=False, threads=1, ): """General function to extract pairs of the MetaTOR object and generate its the contact map. Parameters: ----------- assembly : str Path to the fasta file containing the contigs of interest. Could be the whole or the extracted contigs of one bin. contig_data_file : str Path to the contig_data_final.txt file form MetaTOR output. enzyme : str Enzyme used to digest the genome in the HiC experiment. Example: HpaII,MluCI. name : str Name of the object. Could be the name of a contig, an id of a bin or the name of the bin. Example: "NODE_1" or "MetaTOR_1_0". pairs : str Path of the ".pairs" file or bgzip indexed pair file. If more than one is given, files should be separated by a comma. out_dir : str Path where output files should be written. Current directory by default. tmp_dir : str Path where temporary files will be written. filter_events : bool Filter spurious or uninformative 3C events. Requires a restriction enzyme. Default: False. force : bool If True, overwrite existing files with the same name as output. Default: False. mat_fmt : str Select the output matrix format. Can be either "bg2" for the bedgraph2 format, "cool" for Mirnylab's cool format, or graal for a plain text COO format compatible with Koszullab's instagraal software. Default: "graal". metator_object : str Object to extract contigs to build the matrix. Either "contig", "core_bin", "overlapping_bin", "recursive_bin", "final_bin" or "other". min_size : int Minimum contig size required to keep it. pcr_duplicates : bool If True, PCR duplicates will be filtered based on genomic positions. Pairs where both reads have exactly the same coordinates are considered duplicates and only one of those will be conserved. Default: False. threads : int Numbers of threads to use. Default: 1. """ # Extract bin information from metaTOR outdir."Generate HiC contact map for %s", name) metator_data = MetatorObject( metator_object, name, assembly, contig_data_file, pairs, min_size ) metator_data.set_contigs() if min_size > 0: metator_data.set_large_contigs() metator_data.write_fasta(tmp_dir, out_dir) metator_data.pairs = join(tmp_dir, name + ".pairs") # Extract pairs of the bin. n_pairs = extract_pairs(metator_data) if n_pairs == 0:"No pairs have been extracted") else:"%d pairs have been extracted.", n_pairs) # Launch hicstuff pipeline. hcp.full_pipeline( genome=metator_data.fasta, input1=metator_data.pairs, distance_law=False, enzyme=enzyme, filter_events=filter_events, force=force, mat_fmt=mat_fmt, out_dir=out_dir, pcr_duplicates=pcr_duplicates, prefix=name, plot=False, start_stage="pairs", threads=threads, tmp_dir=tmp_dir, ) return n_pairs