Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Core tools to build I/O for metaTOR

This mdoule contains all core I/O functions:
    - check_checkm
    - check_fasta_index
    - check_is_fasta
    - check_louvain_cpp
    - check_pairix
    - check_pairtools
    - generate_fasta_index
    - generate_temp_dir
    - get_restriction_site
    - get_pairs_data
    - process_ligation_sites
    - read_bin_summary
    - read_compressed
    - read_contig_data
    - read_results_checkm
    - retrieve_fasta
    - sort_pairs
    - sort_pairs_pairtools
    - write_bin_summary

import bz2
import gzip
import io
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
import pathlib
import pypairix
import re
import subprocess as sp
import zipfile
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.Restriction import RestrictionBatch
from metator.log import logger
from os.path import join, exists, isfile
from random import getrandbits

[docs]def check_checkm(): """ Function to test if CheckM is in the path. Returns: -------- bool: True if checkM found in the path, False otherwise. """ try: checkm = sp.check_output("checkm", stderr=sp.STDOUT, shell=True) except sp.CalledProcessError: logger.error( "Cannot find 'checkm' in your path please install it or add it in your path." ) return False return True
[docs]def check_fasta_index(ref, mode="bowtie2"): """ Function from ( Checks for the existence of a bowtie2 or bwa index based on the reference file name. Parameters: ----------- ref : str Path to the reference genome. mode : str The alignment software used to build the index. bowtie2 or bwa. If any other value is given, the function returns the reference path. Returns: -------- str The bowtie2 or bwa index basename. None if no index was found """ ref = pathlib.Path(ref) if mode == "bowtie2": # Bowtie2 should have 6 index files bt2_idx_files = list(ref.parent.glob("{}*bt2*".format( index = None if len(bt2_idx_files) < 6 else bt2_idx_files elif mode == "bwa": refdir = str(ref.parent) refdir_files = os.listdir(refdir) bwa_idx_files = [ join(refdir, f) for f in refdir_files if".*\.(sa|pac|bwt|ann|amb)$", f) ] index = None if len(bwa_idx_files) < 5 else bwa_idx_files else: index = [ref] if index is not None: # Convert the PosixPath objects to strings and get the longest common # prefix to obtain index basename (without the dot) index = os.path.commonprefix(list(map(str, index))).strip(".") return index
[docs]def check_is_fasta(in_file): """ Function from ( Checks whether input file is in fasta format. Parameters: ----------- in_file : str Path to the input file. Returns: -------- bool : True if the input is in fasta format, False otherwise """ try: with open(in_file, "r") as handle: test = any(SeqIO.parse(handle, "fasta")) except FileNotFoundError: test = False return test
[docs]def check_louvain_cpp(louvain_path): """Function to check is the Louvain functions are callable. Parameters: ----------- louvain_path : str Path of the directory where the Louvain functions are. Returns: -------- bool: Boolean value describing either the Louvain functions are callable or not. """ # Look for the path to call the functions: louvain = join(louvain_path, "louvain") convert = join(louvain_path, "convert") hierarchy = join(louvain_path, "hierarchy") # Check convert: try: convert = sp.check_output( f"{convert} --help", stderr=sp.STDOUT, shell=True ) except sp.CalledProcessError: logger.error("Cannot find the 'convert' function from Louvain path.") return False raise ImportError # Check louvain: try: louvain = sp.check_output( f"{louvain} --help", stderr=sp.STDOUT, shell=True ) except sp.CalledProcessError: logger.error("Cannot find the 'louvain' function from Louvain path.") return False raise ImportError # Check hierarchy: try: hierarchy = sp.check_output( f"{hierarchy} --help", stderr=sp.STDOUT, shell=True ) except sp.CalledProcessError: logger.error("Cannot find the convert_net function from Louvain path.") return False raise ImportError return True
[docs]def check_pairix(): """ Function to test if pairix is in the path. Returns: -------- bool: True if pairix found in the path, False otherwise. """ try: pairix = sp.check_output("pairix --help", stderr=sp.STDOUT, shell=True) except sp.CalledProcessError: logger.error( "Cannot find 'pairix' in your path please install it or add it in your path." ) raise ImportError return False return True
[docs]def check_pairtools(): """ Function to test if pairtools is in the path. Returns: -------- bool: True if pairtools found in the path, False otherwise. """ try: pairix = sp.check_output("pairtools", stderr=sp.STDOUT, shell=True) except sp.CalledProcessError: logger.error( "Cannot find 'pairtools' in your path please install it or add it in your path." ) raise ImportError return False return True
[docs]def generate_fasta_index(fasta, aligner, outdir): """Generate fasta index. Parameters: ----------- fasta : str Path to the fasta reference to index. aligner : str Aligner to use to build the index. outdir : str Path to the directory to write the index. Returns: -------- str: Path to the bowtie2 index build """"Build index from the given fasta.\n") index = join(outdir, "index") if aligner == "bowtie2": cmd = "bowtie2-build -q {0} {1}".format(fasta, index) elif aligner == "bwa": cmd = "bwa index -p {1} {0}".format(fasta, index) process = sp.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=sp.PIPE) _out, _err = process.communicate() return index
[docs]def generate_temp_dir(path): """Temporary directory generation Function from ( Generates a temporary file with a random name at the input path. Parameters: ----------- path : str The path at which the temporary directory will be created. Returns: -------- str The path of the newly created temporary directory. """ exist = True while exist: # Keep trying random directory names if they already exist directory = str(hex(getrandbits(32)))[2:] full_path = join(path, directory) if not exists(full_path): exist = False try: os.makedirs(full_path) except PermissionError: raise PermissionError( "The temporary directory cannot be created in {}. " "Make sure you have write permission.".format(path) ) return full_path
[docs]def get_pairs_data(pairfile, threads=1, remove=False, force=False): """Extract pairs data from pypairix indexed pairs file. If no pypairix indexed found, sort pairs files using pairtools executable. Parameters ---------- pairfile : str Path to the pairfile to extract data. threads : int Number of threads to use to sort pairs if necessary. [Default: 1] remove : bool If set to true, it will remove the unsorted pair file. [Default: False] force : bool If set overwrite existing files. [Default: False] Returns ------- str : Path to the sorted and indexed pair file. """ # Check if pairix index exists, generate it otherwise. try: pairs_data = except pypairix.PairixError: try: pairfile_sorted = f"{os.path.splitext(pairfile)[0]}_sorted.pairs.gz" pairs_data = except pypairix.PairixError: logger.warning("No pairix index found. Build the index.") pairfile = sort_pairs_pairtools(pairfile, threads, remove, force) pairs_data = return pairs_data
[docs]def get_restriction_site(enzyme): """Function to return a regex which corresponds to all possible restriction sites given a set of enzyme. Parameters: ----------- enzyme : str String that contains the names of the enzyme separated by a comma. Returns: -------- str : Regex that corresponds to all possible restriction sites given a set of enzyme. Examples: --------- >>> get_restriction_site('DpnII') 'GATC' >>> get_restriction_site('DpnII,HinfI') 'GA.TC|GATC' """ # Split the str on the comma to separate the different enzymes. enzyme = enzyme.split(",") # Check on Biopython dictionnary the enzyme. rb = RestrictionBatch(enzyme) # Initiation: restriction_list = [] # Iterates on the enzymes. for enz in rb: # Extract restriction sites and look for cut sites. restriction_list.append("N", ".")) # Build the regex for all retsriction sites. pattern = "|".join(sorted(list(set(restriction_list)))) return pattern
[docs]def micomplete_results_to_dict(micomplete_file): """Read micomplte output file and transfrom it as a dictionnary with the bin name as keys and bin information as values. Parameters ---------- micomplete_file : str Path to the micomplete output file. Returns ------- dict Dictionnary of the output of miComplete as values and the bin id as keys. """ # Read table. micomplete_summary = pd.read_csv( micomplete_file, sep="\t", comment="#", index_col=0, ).iloc[:, :13] # Transform to dictionnary. micomplete_summary = micomplete_summary.to_dict(orient="index") return micomplete_summary
[docs]def read_bin_summary(bin_summary_file): """Read bin summary file from metator pipeline. Parameters ---------- bin_summary_file : str Path to the bin summary file. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Table from bin summary with bin name as index. """ return pd.read_csv(bin_summary_file, sep="\t", index_col=0)
[docs]def read_compressed(filename): """Read compressed file Function from ( Opens the file in read mode with appropriate decompression algorithm. Parameters: ----------- filename : str The path to the input file Returns: -------- file-like object The handle to access the input file's content """ # Standard header bytes for diff compression formats comp_bytes = { b"\x1f\x8b\x08": "gz", b"\x42\x5a\x68": "bz2", b"\x50\x4b\x03\x04": "zip", } max_len = max(len(x) for x in comp_bytes) def file_type(filename): """Guess file type Compare header bytes with those in the file and return type. """ with open(filename, "rb") as f: file_start = for magic, filetype in comp_bytes.items(): if file_start.startswith(magic): return filetype return "uncompressed" # Open file with appropriate function comp = file_type(filename) if comp == "gz": return, "rt") elif comp == "bz2": return, "rt") elif comp == "zip": zip_arch = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, "r") if len(zip_arch.namelist()) > 1: raise IOError( "Only a single fastq file must be in the zip archive." ) else: # ZipFile opens as bytes by default, using io to read as text zip_content =[0], "r") return io.TextIOWrapper(zip_content, encoding="utf-8") else: return open(filename, "r")
[docs]def read_contig_data(contig_data_file): """Read bin summary file from metator pipeline. Parameters ---------- contig_data_file : str Path to the contig data file. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Table from contig data with contig name as index. """ data = pd.read_csv(contig_data_file, sep="\t") data = data.set_index("Name", drop=False) return data
[docs]def read_results_checkm(checkm_file, checkm_taxonomy_file): """Function to transform the output summary file of checkm into a dictionnary. Parameters: ----------- checkm_file : str Path to the summary output file of CheckM. Returns: -------- dict: Dictionnary of the output of checkm with binID as keys and with three values lineage, completness and contamination. """ # Create an empty dictionnary checkm_summary = dict() # Read the checkm summary file. with open(checkm_file, "r") as checkm_lines: for line in checkm_lines: # Only keep informative lines which start with a space. if line[0] == " ": line = line.split() checkm_summary[line[0]] = { "lineage": line[1], "completness": line[6], "contamination": line[7], "size": line[9], "contigs": line[12], "N50": line[14], "longest_contig": line[18], "GC": line[19], "coding_density": line[21], "taxonomy": "-", } # Read the taxonomy file. with open(checkm_taxonomy_file, "r") as checkm_lines: for line in checkm_lines: # Only keep informative lines which start with a space. if line[0] == " ": line = line.split() checkm_summary[line[0]]["taxonomy"] = line[3] # remove the bin header checkm_summary.pop("Bin") return checkm_summary
[docs]def retrieve_fasta(in_file, aligner, tmpdir): """ Function to retrieve fasta from the given reference file. If index is given retrieve it using bowtie2 inspect. Thraw an error if not a fasta or bowtie2 index. Parameters: ----------- in_file : str Path to the reference file given. aligner : str Name of the aligner used. Either 'bowtie2' or 'bwa'. tmpdir : str Path to the temp directory to write the fasta if necessary. Returns: -------- str: Path to the fasta file. """ if check_is_fasta(in_file): fasta = in_file else: if check_fasta_index(in_file, aligner): if aligner == "bowtie2":"Retrieve fasta from bowtie2 index.\n") fasta = join(tmpdir, "assembly.fa") cmd = "bowtie2-inspect {0} > {1}".format(in_file, fasta) process = sp.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=sp.PIPE) _out, _err = process.communicate() elif aligner == "bwa": if isfile(in_file + ".fa"): if check_is_fasta(in_file + ".fa"): fasta = in_file + ".fa" elif isfile(in_file + ".fasta"): if check_is_fasta(in_file + ".fasta"): fasta = in_file + ".fasta" else: logger.error( "If you give bwa index, please make sure the fasta exists with the same prefix." ) raise ValueError else: logger.error( "Please give as a reference a bowtie2 index or a fasta." ) raise ValueError return fasta
[docs]def save_sparse_matrix(s_mat, path): """Save a sparse matrix Saves a sparse matrix object into tsv format. Parameters ---------- s_mat : scipy.sparse.coo_matrix The sparse matrix to save on disk path : str File path where the matrix will be stored """ if s_mat.format != "coo": ValueError("Sparse matrix must be in coo format") _dtype = s_mat.dtype sparse_arr = np.vstack([s_mat.row, s_mat.col,]).T np.savetxt( path, sparse_arr, header="{nrows}\t{ncols}\t{nonzero}".format( nrows=s_mat.shape[0], ncols=s_mat.shape[1], nonzero=s_mat.nnz ), comments="", fmt=["%i", "%i", "%1.3f"], delimiter="\t", )
[docs]def sort_pairs(in_file, out_file, tmp_dir=None, threads=1, buffer="2G"): """ Adapted function from ( Sort a pairs file in batches using UNIX sort. Parameters: ----------- in_file : str Path to the unsorted input file out_file : str Path to the sorted output file. keys : list of str list of columns to use as sort keys. Each column can be one of readID, chr1, pos1, chr2, pos2, frag1, frag2. Key priorities are according to the order in the list. tmp_dir : str Path to the directory where temporary files will be created. Defaults to current directory. threads : int Number of parallel sorting threads. buffer : str Buffer size used for sorting. Consists of a number and a unit. """ # TODO: Write a pure python implementation to drop GNU coreutils depencency, # could be inspired from: # Check if UNIX sort version supports parallelism parallel_ok = True sort_ver = sp.Popen(["sort", "--version"], stdout=sp.PIPE) sort_ver = ( sort_ver.communicate()[0] .decode() .split("\n")[0] .split(" ")[-1] .split(".") ) # If so, specify threads, otherwise don't mention it in the command line try: sort_ver = list(map(int, sort_ver)) if sort_ver[0] < 8 or (sort_ver[0] == 8 and sort_ver[1] < 23): logger.warning( "GNU sort version is {0} but >8.23 is required for parallel " "sort. Sorting on a single thread.".format( ".".join(map(str, sort_ver)) ) ) parallel_ok = False # BSD sort has a different format and will throw error upon parsing. It does # not support parallel processes anyway. except ValueError: logger.warning( "Using BSD sort instead of GNU sort, sorting on a single thread." ) parallel_ok = False # Sort pairs and append to file. with open(out_file, "a") as output: grep_proc = sp.Popen(["grep", "-v", "^#", in_file], stdout=sp.PIPE) sort_cmd = ["sort", "-S %s" % buffer] + ["-k1,1V", "-k2,2V"] if tmp_dir is not None: sort_cmd.append("--temporary-directory={0}".format(tmp_dir)) if parallel_ok: sort_cmd.append("--parallel={0}".format(threads)) sort_proc = sp.Popen(sort_cmd, stdin=grep_proc.stdout, stdout=output) sort_proc.communicate()
[docs]def sort_pairs_pairtools(pairfile, threads=1, remove=False, force=False): """Sort pairs files using pairtools executable. Pairix only works with compressed pair files. So we use bgzip to compress them. Parameters ---------- pairfile : str Path to the pairfile to sort, compress and index. threads : int Number of threads to use. [Default: 1] remove : bool If set to true, it will remove the unsorted pair file. [Default: False] force : bool If set overwrite existing files. [Default: False] Returns ------- str : Path to the sorted and indexed pair file. """ # Extract basename of the file. basename = os.path.splitext(pairfile)[0] # Test if pairix and pairtools are installed and in the path. _ = check_pairix() _ = check_pairtools() # Set the force parameter and delete files or raise an error accodringly. if force: force = " -f" if os.path.isfile(f"{basename}_sorted.pairs"): os.remove(f"{basename}_sorted.pairs") else: force = "" if os.path.isfile(f"{basename}_sorted.pairs") or os.path.isfile( f"{basename}_sorted.pairs.gz" ): logger.error( f"The {basename}_sorted.pairs exists. Do not overwrite existing, use --force to overwrite or use another location." ) raise ValueError # Sort pairs using pairtools. cmd = f"set -eu ; pairtools sort {pairfile} --nproc {threads} -o {basename}_sorted.pairs" process = sp.Popen(cmd, shell=True) _out, _err = process.communicate() # Compressed pairs. cmd = f"set -eu ; bgzip {basename}_sorted.pairs -@ {threads}{force}" process = sp.Popen(cmd, shell=True) _out, _err = process.communicate() # Indexed pairs. cmd = f"set -eu ; pairix{force} {basename}_sorted.pairs.gz" process = sp.Popen(cmd, shell=True) _out, _err = process.communicate() # Remove original pairfile if remove setup. if remove: os.remove(pairfile) return f"{basename}_sorted.pairs.gz"
[docs]def write_bin_summary(bin_summary, bin_summary_file): """Function to write the bin summary from dictionnary to table text file. Parameters: ----------- bin_summary : dict Dictionnary with the output of the miComplete of the bins. bin_summary_file : str Path to the output file to write the summary informations of the bins. """ # Transform dictionnary to pandas DataFrame. bin_summary = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(bin_summary, orient="index") # Change float format of the coverage. bin_summary["HiC_abundance"] = bin_summary["HiC_abundance"].map( lambda x: "%.4f" % x ) try: bin_summary["SG_abundance"] = bin_summary["SG_abundance"].map( lambda x: "%.4f" % x ) except KeyError: pass # Write the file. bin_summary.to_csv(bin_summary_file, sep="\t", float_format="%.2f")