Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Generate metaHiC contigs network from fastq reads or bam files.

General utility functions for handling aligment files from align module and
generating metaHiC networks.

Core function to build the network are:
    - alignment_to_contacts
    - compute_network
    - create_contig_data
    - normalize_pair
    - precompute_network
    - write_contig_data
    - write_hit_data

import csv
import numpy as np
import re
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio import SeqUtils
from os.path import join, basename
from metator.log import logger
import as mio

[docs]def alignment_to_contacts( alignment_files, contig_data, edge, hit_data, out_dir, output_file_network, output_file_contig_data, tmp_dir, n_cpus, normalization, self_contacts, ): """Generates a network file (in edgelist form) from an alignment. Contigs are the network nodes and the edges are the contact counts. The network is in a strict barebone form so that it can be reused and imported quickly into other applications etc. Verbose information about every single node in the network is written on a 'contig data' file. Parameters: ----------- alignment_files : list of str List of path to the alignment file(s) used as input. contig_data : dict Dictionnary of the all the contigs from the assembly, the contigs names are the keys to the data of the contig available with the following keys: "id", "length", "GC", "hit", "coverage". Coverage still at 0 and need to be updated later. edge : int Distance of the edge region in base pair on the contigs where the mapping reads are not considered as inter contigs. hit_data : dict: Dictionnary for hit information on each contigs. out_dir : str The output directory to write the network and chunk data into. output_file_network : str, optional The specific file name for the output network file. Default is 'network.txt' output_file_contig_data : str, optional The specific file name for the output chunk data file. Default is 'idx_contig_length_GC_hit_cov.txt' tmp_dir : str Path to th temporary directory. Default in the working directory normalization : str If None, do not normalized the count of a contact by the geometric mean of the coverage of the contigs. Otherwise it's the type of normalization. self_contacts : bool Whether to return network with self contact. Default is False. Returns: -------- str: Path to the network file. str: Path to the verbose contig data file. """ # Create temporary and output file which will be necessary precompute_network_file = join(tmp_dir, "precompute_network_file.txt") pre_network_sorted_file = join(tmp_dir, "tmp_network_sorted.txt") network_file = join(out_dir, output_file_network) contig_data_file = join(out_dir, output_file_contig_data) hit_data_file = join(out_dir, "hit_data_alignment.txt") nb_alignment = len(alignment_files) # Create a contact file easily readable for counting the contacts. contig_data, out_files_list = precompute_network( alignment_files, contig_data, edge, hit_data, precompute_network_file, tmp_dir, self_contacts, ) # Compute network compute_network( precompute_network_file, network_file, contig_data, tmp_dir, pre_network_sorted_file, n_cpus, normalization, ) # Compute sample network for i, precompute_network_file_sample in enumerate(out_files_list): network_file_sample = join(out_dir, "network_{0}.txt".format(i)) pre_network_sorted_file = join( tmp_dir, "tmp_network_sorted_{0}.txt".format(i) ) compute_network( precompute_network_file_sample, network_file_sample, contig_data, tmp_dir, pre_network_sorted_file, n_cpus, normalization, ) # Write the data from the contigs write_contig_data(contig_data, contig_data_file) if nb_alignment > 1: write_hit_data(hit_data, hit_data_file) return network_file, contig_data_file
[docs]def compute_network( pre_network_file, network_file, contig_data, tmp_dir, tmp_file, n_cpus, normalization, ): """Generate the network file from the prenetwork file. Parameters: ----------- pre_network_file : str Path of the input file (prenetwork file, output from teh precompute network function) network_file : str Path of the output file (network file). contig_data : dict Dictionnary of the all the contigs from the assembly, the contigs names are the keys to the data of the contig available with the following keys: "id", "length", "GC", "hit", "coverage", "RS". tmp_dir : str Path to the temporary directory. tmp_file : str Path of the temporary file to write the sorted precompute network. n_cpus : int Number of cpus used to sort the prenetwork. normalization : str If None, do not normalized the count of a contact by the geometric mean of the coverage of the contigs. Otherwise it's the type of normalization. """ # Sort the the pre-network file mio.sort_pairs( pre_network_file, tmp_file, tmp_dir=tmp_dir, threads=n_cpus, ) # Set the variables used in the loop n_occ = 1 # Number of occurences of each frag combination n_nonzero = 1 # Total number of nonzero matrix entries n_pairs = 0 # Total number of pairs entered in the matrix # Read the sorted pairs with open(tmp_file, "r") as pairs, open(network_file, "w") as net: pairs_reader = csv.reader(pairs, delimiter="\t") prev_pair = next(pairs_reader) for pair in pairs_reader: # Extract the contig names and their id curr_pair = pair # Increment number of occurences for fragment pair if prev_pair == curr_pair: n_occ += 1 # Write previous pair and start a new one else: if n_occ > 0: # Normalisation using the geometric mean of the coverage if normalization != "None": effective_count = normalize_pair( contig_data, prev_pair, n_occ, normalization ) else: effective_count = n_occ # Write the line in the file net.write( "\t".join( map( str, [ contig_data[prev_pair[0]]["id"], contig_data[prev_pair[1]]["id"], effective_count, ], ) ) + "\n" ) # Reset the values for the next pair prev_pair = curr_pair n_pairs += n_occ n_occ = 1 n_nonzero += 1 # Write the last value if normalization != "None": effective_count = normalize_pair( contig_data, prev_pair, n_occ, normalization ) else: effective_count = n_occ net.write( "\t".join( map( str, [ contig_data[curr_pair[0]]["id"], contig_data[curr_pair[1]]["id"], effective_count, ], ) ) + "\n" ) n_nonzero += 1 n_pairs += n_occ
[docs]def create_contig_data(assembly, nb_alignment=1, depth_file=None, enzyme=None): """Create a dictionnary with data on each Contig. Parameters: ----------- assembly : str Path to the assembly fasta file nb_alignement : int Numbers of alignment files. [Default: 1] depth_file : str or None Path to the depth.txt file from jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths from Metabat2 Software. [Default: None] enzyme : str or None String that contains the names of the enzyme separated by a comma. [Default: None] Returns: -------- dict: Dictionnary of the all the contigs from the assembly, the contigs names are the keys to the data of the contig available with the following keys: "id", "length", "GC", "hit", "coverage", "RS". Hit is set to 0 and need to be updated later. dict: Dictionnary for hit information on each contigs. """ # Create a contig data dictionnary from the assembly file contig_data = dict() if nb_alignment > 1: hit_data = dict() else: hit_data = None # Extract restriction sites if an enzyme is given. if enzyme: pattern = mio.get_restriction_site(enzyme) global_id = 1 if depth_file: with open(depth_file, "r") as depth: line = depth.readline() for contig in SeqIO.parse(assembly, "fasta"): line = depth.readline().split("\t") contig_data[] = { "id": global_id, "length": int(line[1]), "GC": SeqUtils.GC(contig.seq), "hit": 0, "coverage": float(line[2]), "RS": (len(re.findall(pattern, str(contig.seq))) + 1) if enzyme else "-", } if nb_alignment > 1: hit_data[] = { "id": global_id, "hit": [0] * nb_alignment, } global_id += 1 else: for contig in SeqIO.parse(assembly, "fasta"): contig_data[] = { "id": global_id, "length": len(contig.seq), "GC": SeqUtils.GC(contig.seq), "hit": 0, "coverage": "-", "RS": (len(re.findall(pattern, str(contig.seq))) + 1) if enzyme else "-", } if nb_alignment > 1: hit_data[] = { "id": global_id, "hit": [0] * nb_alignment, } global_id += 1 return contig_data, hit_data
[docs]def normalize_pair(contig_data, pair, n_occ, normalization): """Function to do the normalization of an inter contig contact depending on the mode of normalisation given. Parameters: ----------- contig_data : dict Dictionnary of the all the contigs from the assembly, the contigs names are the keys to the data of the contig available with the following keys: "id", "length", "GC", "hit", "coverage", "RS". pair : tuple Tuple of the id of the contigs contributing to the contact. n_occ : int Contact count between the two contigs. normalization : str Mode of normalization to use. Returns: -------- float: Normalized contact count. """ # The four first normalizations are normalization by the geometric mean of # "coverage". if normalization == "abundance": factor = np.sqrt( contig_data[pair[0]]["coverage"] * contig_data[pair[1]]["coverage"] ) # If no read mapped from Shotgun libraries could be equal to zero. if factor == 0: return 0 elif normalization == "length": factor = np.sqrt( contig_data[pair[0]]["hit"] / contig_data[pair[0]]["length"] * contig_data[pair[1]]["hit"] / contig_data[pair[1]]["length"] ) elif normalization == "RS": factor = 0.01 * np.sqrt( contig_data[pair[0]]["hit"] / contig_data[pair[0]]["RS"] * contig_data[pair[1]]["hit"] / contig_data[pair[1]]["RS"] ) # The last two normalizations are normalization by geometric means of hits. elif normalization == "empirical_hit": factor = np.sqrt( contig_data[pair[0]]["hit"] * contig_data[pair[1]]["hit"] ) elif normalization == "theoritical_hit": factor = np.sqrt( contig_data[pair[0]]["coverage"] * 10 * np.sqrt( contig_data[pair[0]]["length"] * contig_data[pair[0]]["RS"] ) * contig_data[pair[1]]["coverage"] * 10 * np.sqrt( contig_data[pair[1]]["length"] * contig_data[pair[1]]["RS"] ) ) # If no read mapped from Shotgun libraries could be equal to zero. if factor == 0: return 0 return n_occ / factor
[docs]def precompute_network( alignment_files, contig_data, edge, hit_data, out_file, tmp_dir, self_contacts=False, ): """Write a file with only the contig id separated by a tabulation and count the contacts by contigs to be able to compute directlty the normalized network. Parameters: ----------- alignment_files : list of str List of path to the alignment file(s). contig_data : dict Dictionnary of the all the contigs from the assembly, the contigs names are the keys to the data of the contig available with the following keys: "id", "length", "GC", "hit", "coverage". Coverage still at 0 and need to be updated later. edge : int Distance of the edge region in base pair on the contigs where the mapping reads are not considered as inter contigs. hit_data : dict Dictionnary with the count of hits for each aligment file. out_file : str Path to the write the output_file which will be necessary to compute the network. tmp_dir : str Directory where to store temporary files. self_contacts : bool If True, the contacts on the same contigs will be kept. Otherwise only displays the inter contigs contacts. [Default False] Return: ------- dict: Dictionnary of the all the contigs from the assembly, the contigs names are the keys to the data of the contig available with the following keys: "id", "length", "GC", "hit", "coverage" "RS". Coverage still at 0 and need to be updated later. """ # Initiate value to compute 3D ratio all_contacts = 0 inter_contacts = 0 out_files_list = [] # Prepare a file to save contact with their global ID with open(out_file, "w") as pre_net: # Iterates on the alignment files for i, aligment_file in enumerate(alignment_files): all_contacts_temp = 0 inter_contacts_temp = 0 out_file_sample = join(tmp_dir, "prenetwork" + str(i) + ".txt") out_files_list.append(out_file_sample) # Read the alignment_file and build pairs for the network pairs = mio.read_compressed(aligment_file) with open(out_file_sample, "w") as pre_net_sample: for pair in pairs: # Ignore header lines if pair.startswith("#"): continue # Split the line on the tabulation p = pair.split("\t") # Extract the contig names which are at the position 2 and # 4. contig1, contig2 = p[1], p[3] pos1, pos2 = int(p[2]), int(p[4]) len1 = contig_data[contig1]["length"] len2 = contig_data[contig2]["length"] id1 = contig_data[contig1]["id"] id2 = contig_data[contig2]["id"] # Count the contact all_contacts_temp += 1 contig_data[contig1]["hit"] += 1 contig_data[contig2]["hit"] += 1 if len(alignment_files) > 1: hit_data[contig1]["hit"][i] += 1 hit_data[contig2]["hit"][i] += 1 # Write the file used for the computation of the network. # Write all pairs if self contacts. if self_contacts: if id1 == id2: pre_net.write( "\t".join(map(str, [contig1, contig2])) + "\n" ) pre_net_sample.write( "\t".join(map(str, [contig1, contig2])) + "\n" ) if id1 < id2: inter_contacts_temp += 1 pre_net.write( "\t".join(map(str, [contig1, contig2])) + "\n" ) pre_net_sample.write( "\t".join(map(str, [contig1, contig2])) + "\n" ) elif id1 > id2: inter_contacts_temp += 1 pre_net.write( "\t".join(map(str, [contig2, contig1])) + "\n" ) pre_net_sample.write( "\t".join(map(str, [contig2, contig1])) + "\n" ) # Write only intercontigs pairs with both reads not mapping # on the edges of the contigs (defined by edge). else: if ( (pos1 > edge) and (pos2 > edge) and (len1 - pos1 > edge) and (len2 - pos2 > edge) ): if id1 < id2: inter_contacts_temp += 1 pre_net.write( "\t".join(map(str, [contig1, contig2])) + "\n" ) pre_net_sample.write( "\t".join(map(str, [contig1, contig2])) + "\n" ) elif id1 > id2: inter_contacts_temp += 1 pre_net.write( "\t".join(map(str, [contig2, contig1])) + "\n" ) pre_net_sample.write( "\t".join(map(str, [contig2, contig1])) + "\n" ) # Count contacts and return sample informations. all_contacts += all_contacts_temp inter_contacts += inter_contacts_temp"Information of {basename(aligment_file)}:")"{all_contacts_temp} contacts in the library.") f"{inter_contacts_temp} contacts inter-contigs in the library." ) f"3D ratio : {inter_contacts_temp / all_contacts_temp}\n" ) # Return information about the network if len(alignment_files) > 1:"General information:")"{0} contacts in the library.".format(all_contacts)) "{0} contacts inter-contigs in the library.".format(inter_contacts) )"3D ratio : {0}\n".format(inter_contacts / all_contacts)) return contig_data, out_files_list
[docs]def write_contig_data(contig_data, output_path): """Function to write the contig data file at the output path given. The file will contains 7 columns separated by a tabulation: id, name, length, GC_content, hit, coverage, restriction site for each contig with an header. Parameters: ----------- contig_data : dict Dictionnary of the all the contigs from the assembly, the contigs names are the keys to the data of the contig available with the following keys: "id", "length", "GC", "hit", "coverage", "RS". output_path : str Path to the output file where the data from the dictionnary will be written """ # For each contig extract the data and write them in the file. with open(output_path, "w") as contig_data_file_handle: line = "ID\tName\tSize\tGC_content\tHit\tShotgun_coverage\tRestriction_site\n" contig_data_file_handle.write(line) for name in contig_data: length = contig_data[name]["length"] hit = contig_data[name]["hit"] coverage = contig_data[name]["coverage"] GC_content = contig_data[name]["GC"] idx = contig_data[name]["id"] RS = contig_data[name]["RS"] line = "{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format( idx, name, length, GC_content, hit, coverage, RS ) contig_data_file_handle.write(line)
[docs]def write_hit_data(hit_data, output_path): """Function to write the contig data file at the output path given. The file will contains 6 columns separated by a tabulation: id, name, length, GC_content, hit, coverage for each contig. Parameters: ----------- hit_data : dict Dictionnary of the all the contigs from the assembly, the contigs names are the keys to a list of hits from each alignment files separately. output_path : str Path to the output file where the data from the dictionnary will be written. """ # For each contig extract the data and write them in the file. with open(output_path, "w") as hit_data_file_handle: for name in hit_data: hit_list = map(str, hit_data[name]["hit"]) hit_str = "\t".join(hit_list) idx = hit_data[name]["id"] line = "{0}\t{1}\t{2}\n".format(idx, name, hit_str) hit_data_file_handle.write(line)